Search for tag: "wine"
Feb 7, 2023 - Dando, Mansfield & Goddard LabsTiffany Hsu, MFS Candidate, Dando LabGustometer Development Project Jennifer Neubauer, Ph.D. Candidate, Mansfield LabExploring the possibility of Aging Wine and Spirits with New York Hardwoods Hector…
From Rajni Aneja
16 plays
Afternoon_Session_-_Fruit & VegetablesBrad Rickard and Miguel Gomez Afternoon session for the 2022 Outlook Conference Fruit & Vegetables
From Michelle Cranston
17 plays
Development of Hydrogen Sulfide in Wine During Storage (Rachel Allison, PhD Candidate, Sacks Lab) & Novel, High-Throughput Methods for Trace-Level Analyses of Grape and Wine Volatiles using DART-MS (Jessie Rafson, PhD Candidate, Sacks LabRachel Allison, PhD Candidate, Sacks Lab, Cornell University"Development of Hydrogen Sulfide in Wine During Storage”AbstractSulfur-like off-aromas (SLOs) are reportedly responsible for…
From Rajni Aneja
23 plays
4.14.21 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - Game-Changing Innovations Every Small Winery Should KnowAn unprecedented number of technologies have recently emerged to aid small wineries in making better wines, saving money and labor, and marketing more successfully at low cost. These include…
From Tim Martinson
283 plays
Live Lecture with Dr Smith -- Intro StatsZoom Recording ID: 99931886983 UUID: HWRWJkVeRE+blCHoTJ+mEA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-22T13:54:43Z
From Melissa Smith
2 plays
2.17.21 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - Production Practices Affecting Fruit Quality in Cold Hardy Minnesota CultivarsAmaya Atucha will discuss yield and vine vigor of cold climate cultivars in multiple training systems as well as fruit quality parameters and how they translate to wine quality. Annie Klodd will…
From Tim Martinson
326 plays
2.3.21 Eastern Viticulture and Enology Forum - What Science Has Taught WinemakersSince startup wineries emerged in the late ‘80s and ‘90s, informal winemaking techniques and winemaker training have given way to increasing science-driven technical sophistication and…
From Tim Martinson
249 plays
Kimberly Jackson, Ph.D. - Food Studies as a Transdisciplinary Academic Movement at Spelman CollegeKimberly Jackson, Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador, 2020-21 Chair & Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry Food Studies Program Director Spelman College Food…
From Erin Atkins
38 plays
8.25.20 Cation Exchange for High Acid High pH WinesMisha Kwasniewski and Chris Gerling describe a winemaking practice for dealing with high pH - high acid wines called Cation Exchange, which uses a medium to replace K+ ions in the wine with H+,…
From Tim Martinson
132 plays
Co Vit 2020 Virtual Tuesday Timely TopicsZoom Recording ID: 94386583830 UUID: mwJDEWwISw+2niGrNCjnjQ== Meeting Time: 2020-08-11T20:13:07Z
From Tim Martinson
52 plays
Rediscovering The Art of Drinking: A Forgotten Guide to the Classical Art of ImbibingIn the winelands of Renaissance Germany, a poet named Vincent Obsopoeus witnessed the birth of a poisonous new culture of bingeing, peer pressure, and competitive drinking. Michael Fontaine presents…
From Kenny Berkowitz
141 plays
Co Vit 2020 Virtual Tuesday Timely TopicsZoom Recording ID: 94386583830 UUID: vfjNTd5BRcakG11Gdi9iNg== Meeting Time: 2020-06-30T20:22:17Z
From Tim Martinson
38 plays
Science on Sundays (SoS) w/ We Be ImaginingZoom Recording ID: 295270305 UUID: zKQhJqMHT9iGd9YOSN+6Fw== Meeting Time: 2020-04-19T23:47:29Z Opening dance performance by Stanley Muñoz The mysterious phenomenon called ‘tears of…
From Tapan Parikh
67 plays