Search for tag: "classification"
Machine Learning. Supervised Learning in Python.mp4Link to github page Fill out evaluation form here. There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…
From Jacob Grippin
13 plays
Introduction to NVivo Spring 2022Helpful Links: workshop files handout: Mac vs…
From Jacob Grippin
37 plays
Lecture 11/4/21: Losses for classification and multi-class classificationZoom Recording ID: 94347618999 UUID: l1RpSW+qTF6f/eH+Nbq9vQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-04T13:33:44Z
From Madeleine Udell
171 plays
NVivo Fall 2021 recordingThere are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Jacob Grippin
10 plays
ORIE Colloquium: Alexandre d'Aspremont, May 4, 2021"Sparsity, Feature Selection and the Shapley Folkman Theorem” The Shapley Folkman theorem acts a central limit theorem for convexity: It shows that Minkowski sums of arbitrary…
From Henry Lam
3 plays
Cornell Population Center Seminar Recording | Ariela SchachterZoom Recording ID: 95917045519 UUID: hMiXs4WwR+mi7eeigI/2/A== Meeting Time: 2020-10-02T15:48:47Z
From Meg Cole
46 plays
ORIE 4741 Lecture 9/10/2020Zoom Recording ID: 94195670586 UUID: 6Fn2xdNfQm2+MnYKT8oYzA== Meeting Time: 2020-09-10T13:37:16Z
From Madeleine Udell
277 plays
Introduction to ZoteroWebinar Recording of “Introduction to Zotero” May 1, 202 by CUL Librarian Jim Morris-Knower
From Matthew Kibbee
316 plays
Image classification - IZoom Recording ID: 8760640863 UUID: mM0jI0GKSYuH+3YAPELvcw== Meeting Time: 2020-05-04T16:49:37Z
From Bharath Hariharan
243 plays
Mathmatical Modeling Infectious Disease IIIOur third and final session will have two presentations “Prediction of hospital demand from the COVID-19 death curve: IHME Model” and “Molecular epidemiology of SARS-Cov-2: what…
From Dave Frank
53 plays
Intro ML I - Framing the problemZoom Recording ID: 8760640863 UUID: g5UgMq0DQcWoPHsejiECtw== Meeting Time: 2020-04-22T14:30:54Z
From Bharath Hariharan
288 plays
ORIE Colloquium, 3/18/2020 - Ashia Wilson“Variational Perspectives on Machine Learning: Algorithms, Inference, and Fairness”Machine learning plays a key role in shaping the decisions made by a growing number of institutions.…
From E. Cornelius
181 plays