Search for tag: "decision"
Lunch and Learn- Exploring Risk and Equity Challenges in Water Supply Infrastructure Investments for the Federal District of BrazilThis work explores adaptive risk-based water supply investment pathways in the Federal District of Brazil (FDB). The FDB is home to Brazil’s capital city, Brasilia, and nearly 3 million people.…
From Alexis Vargas
22 plays
MEM Lunch and Learn: Economic Choice Models to Learn Customer Preferences (R. Daziano)This talk will overview supervised statistical learning of customer preferences through choice experiments and discrete choice models. Empirical applications of inference on economic value of this…
From Alexis Vargas
12 plays
Machine Learning. Supervised Learning in Python.mp4Link to github page Fill out evaluation form here. There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…
From Jacob Grippin
13 plays
Oliver Gao: Transportation and Public Health"Thought Leaders on Infrastructure" video series -- In this video, CPIP Associate Director H. Oliver Gao, Ph.D., explains how infrastructure can not only improve lives, but can also cause…
From Olga Petrova
21 plays
AI-CLIMATE Institute at Cornell: advancing climate-smart agriculture through artificial intelligenceZoom Recording ID: 96104639877 UUID: A2TvdZgCTPiO+hg2oO8/XQ== Meeting Time: 2023-05-08 03:32:03pmGMT
From Eslie Medallon
24 plays
Immaculate conception of data: agribusiness, activists and their shared politics of the future with Kelly BronsonZoom Recording ID: 97704792974 UUID: 5iiTzYKkQCenO9sUbMythQ== Meeting Time: 2023-04-24 03:49:57pmGMT
From Eslie Medallon
21 plays