Search for tag: "tables"
Using Stata to Display Advanced Formatting Features in Data VisualizationsGithub page with sample files and code Request CCSS Cloud Computing Account. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…
From Jacob Grippin
1 plays
Extracting the American Community Survey (ACS) Housing and Population DataGithub page with sample files Request CCSS Cloud Computing Account. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell…
From Jacob Grippin
8 plays
Publication Ready LaTex Tables in Stata Using Texresults2Link to Gihub Page. Includes copy of slides and code. Please fill out the evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation View CCSS Workshops Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain…
From Jacob Grippin
39 plays
Essential Replication Skills for Your Research Jan24.mp4View CCSS Workshops Fill out 2 minute evaluation form Request access to CCSS Cloud Computing Resources, Gain access to our statistical software for free. Approval from a Cornell faculty member is…
From Jacob Grippin
4 plays
Publication Ready Tables in Stata.mp4Link to Github page. File Stata\ for code from session. Double click on .do file to open Stata. Then run code. …
From Jacob Grippin
41 plays
Publication Ready Tables StataSchedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Diana Flores Valdivia
33 plays
Publication Ready Tables in R Fall 2023Use coding file 'Publication Ready Tables code (1).R' Fill out evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin…
From Jacob Grippin
149 plays
Publication Ready Tables Through Coding Part 2 (R, Stata)Link to Github page. Contains copies of code and how to access software. There are many free resources that you can use for further…
From Caiwei Zhang
7 plays
Publication Ready Tables Through Coding(R, Stata)Link to Github page. Contains copies of code and how to access software. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can…
From Caiwei Zhang
20 plays
Intro to accessibility 11_17_22Introduction to accessibility and recommendations for making your websites, documents and social media posts accessible.
From Paul Treadwell
7 plays
F21 DMS W, 12/1: Access relationships, queries, reports and formsZoom Recording ID: 99420564844 UUID: VEG4vKU9TriDI0KWk8DoFQ== Meeting Time: 2021-12-01T12:47:25Z
From Christina Homrighouse
2 plays
F21 DMS M, 11/29: Access tables, queries, relationshipsZoom Recording ID: 96802955093 UUID: Dtq0Ct2XQiuh1lYUt6qUDQ== Meeting Time: 2021-11-29T12:55:10Z
From Christina Homrighouse
0 plays
F21 DMS M, 11/17: Access introduction, working with tablesZoom Recording ID: 94436909578 UUID: jw/noMwISQuShgbSdzIRQA== Meeting Time: 2021-11-17T12:27:03Z
From Christina Homrighouse
0 plays