Search for tag: "planetary"

Hubble's Greatest Hits - 30 Years of Images from the Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit on April 24, 1990. We’ll review some of the most enigmatic images taken with HST over the last 30 years; explore what their shapes, colors and…

From  Kenny Berkowitz 468 plays

Shalloway retirement party

+51 More
From  Joan Olson 32 plays

Vibrational properties and phonons in DFT (Lecture 4.1)

2016 PARADIM SUMMER SCHOOL Feliciano Giustino - Lecture 4.1

+53 More
From  James Overhiser 399 plays

14. Alexis Radisoglou, (Anti-)Realism for the Anthropocene

+193 More
From  jrp354 144 plays

Cornell Cup USA - Systems Engineering at NASA

From  E. Cornelius 5 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Alexander MacDonald (Cal Tech) - Engineering Economic Development in the Solar System: Lessons from the Economic History of American Space Exploration

Friday, May 2, 2014 at 12:00pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 Ezra's Round Table/Systems Seminar: Alexander MacDonald (Cal Tech) - Engineering Economic Development in the Solar System: Lessons…

+135 More
From  E. Cornelius 16 plays

Ezra's Round Table: Lisa D. May - Systems Engineering of a Sample Return Campaign: the intersection of science, stakeholders, and systems engineering

The eventual return of samples from the surface of Mars is the highest Mars science priority among spacefaring nations. However, this poses unique challenges in many dimensions. Sample return would…

From  E. Cornelius 8 plays

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Engineering Seminar: George Richardson

Ezra's Round Table/Systems Engineering Seminar: George Richardson (Albany) - System Dynamics Applications with Impact Friday, April 19, 2013 at 12:00pm Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, 253 This…

+88 More
From  E. Cornelius 36 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2015-10-16 - Hendrik Dijkstra: Climate as a (Stochastic) Dynamical System

From  E. Cornelius 22 plays

CAM Colloquium, 2016-11-18 - Robert Vanderbei: Numerical Optimization Applied to Space-Related Problems

Abstract: Techniques for numerical optimization have been wildly successful in an amazingly broad range of applications. In the talk, I will go into some detail about two particular…

+48 More
From  E. Cornelius 19 plays