Search for tag: "breastfeeding"
Fall 2023 PIN Seminar - Dr. Tahmeed Ahmed, MBBS, PhDSeptember 7, 2023: “Innovations for taking care of children with malnutrition” Dr. Tahmeed Ahmed, MBBS Executive Director, icddr,b
From Anna Bennett
12 plays
Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Jennifer Cashin, MPHSeminar title: “Effective interventions to improve breastfeeding practices: Learning from the East Asia Pacific Region”
From Nidhi Shrestha
9 plays
Fall 2022 PIN Seminar - Pattanee Winichagoon, PhDSeminar title: "Insights from leading nutrition research: Experiences in Thailand"
From Nidhi Shrestha
3 plays
From the nation to the individual: research on national nutritional indicators and individual breastfeeding practices - Consuelo LeConsuelo (Connie) Le is a junior in the College of Human Ecology majoring in Global and Public Health Science with a minor in Infectious Disease. She is passionate about maternal and infant health,…
From Diego Burga
43 plays