Search for tag: "people"
Neurodiversity Dialogues: The intersection between neurodivergence and queernessIn this session, we spoke about the intersection between neurodivergence and queerness--the percentage of people identifying as LGBTQ+ is higher in neurodivergent people than among neurotypical…
From Florencia Ardon
46 plays
FERM PWT Conference CallZoom Recording ID: 98628034224 UUID: L63KFgLLSGGY4NpSSXRIvg== Meeting Time: 2020-08-20T16:50:59Z
From Nancy Reigelsperger
6 plays
Zubia Hasan 2020 REU final PresentationZoom Recording ID: 97214601225 UUID: UlnuuPOnS6aBDTLJ9vagow== Meeting Time: 2020-08-06T12:59:57Z
From James Overhiser
108 plays
Intro to Religious & Spiritual Life at Cornell FULLZoom Recording ID: 92540585836 UUID: aXaJWnTiQjWTmHD778OmkQ== Meeting Time: 2020-08-05T22:46:50Z
From Oliver Goodrich
32 plays
Milstein Invited Lecture - Phil ZimmermannZoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: mZ1ztoAtR22wXeIQs0Cm0g== Meeting Time: 2020-07-30T23:46:15Z
From Tapan Parikh
26 plays
Milstein Invited Lecture - Angela YeeZoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: dZds7XYyS827eA9c/n1Cpw== Meeting Time: 2020-07-23T23:34:56Z
From Tapan Parikh
43 plays
Using Ocean Knowledge to Achieve Climate, Energy, and Food Security by 2050The Earth is an ocean planet. During the next three decades, we must reverse climate change while simultaneously finding sustainable sources of clean energy and food for a global population…
From Kenny Berkowitz
112 plays
Smuggling in Southeast Asia: The Past in the PresentSoutheast Asia is a crossroads for trade routes that pass between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, historically and in our own time. These pathways (both legal and illegal) transect the…
From Kenny Berkowitz
191 plays
Tuesday Tech Tips/FLIT Edition ft VODZoom Recording ID: 96064368984 UUID: 6dqQBLDBQUGUkAD+6r3Qdw== Meeting Time: 2020-07-21T13:51:27Z
From Cate Sirek
4 plays