Search for tag: "climate change"
Fall 2024 PIN Seminar - Daniel Raiten, PhD FASNDr. Daniel Raiten, PhD FASN, Senior Nutrition Scientist, National Institutes of Health, joins the Program in International Nutrition Seminar. Title: Addressing complexity in a complex world |…
From Anna Bennett
0 plays
The Decline of Honeybees and Other Native Pollinators: An Overview of the Current Challenges and Potential SolutionsNearly 75% of all crops around the world are at least partially dependent on pollinators. Some of the crops that are highly dependent on pollination include, fruits, nuts, avocados, melons,…
From Joshua Vrooman
112 plays
Our Changing Menu: How Climate Change is Impacting the Foods We Love and NeedCornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County (CCE Oswego) hosted a free virtual workshop through Zoom on Wednesday, April 20th from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Guest speaker was Dr. Michael P.…
From Joshua Vrooman
49 plays
Agroforestry Workshop: Introducing Forest Farming and Silvopasture to the Small Farms CommunityCornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Oswego County hosted a free online workshop through Zoom on Wednesday, November 10th 2021 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. This workshop explored some of the different…
From Joshua Vrooman
123 plays
Farming in a Changing Climate: Implications of Climate Change on the Future of AgricultureCornell Cooperative Extension of Oswego County (CCE Oswego) hosted a free online workshop through Zoom on Thursday, May 20th from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the implications of climate change on the…
From Joshua Vrooman
43 plays
Farming in a Changing Climate: Implications of Solar Installations on Agricultural LandsUtility-scale solar projects have been expanding across New York because of a need for renewable energy development due to changes in policies at the state level. Farmers and landowners are being…
From Joshua Vrooman
38 plays
Session 2 Panel Discussion - Industry Perspectives on Food Waste across the Food ChainJulien Biolley, Director, Business Development, Chr. Hansen: Unleashing the Power of Good Bacteria to Fight Food Waste in Dairy ProductsBill Strassburg, VP, Strategic Planning, Wegmans: Waste in the…
From Rajni Aneja
18 plays
Milstein Invited Lecture - Phil ZimmermannZoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: mZ1ztoAtR22wXeIQs0Cm0g== Meeting Time: 2020-07-30T23:46:15Z
From Tapan Parikh
26 plays
One Health Understanding COVID-19 and Preventing the Next Pandemic - edited for webCOVID-19 clearly shows that the world must embrace the concepts and practice of “One Health,” if we are to understand and avoid the next pandemic. In this panel faculty from the…
From Heather Hughes
178 plays
Using Ocean Knowledge to Achieve Climate, Energy, and Food Security by 2050The Earth is an ocean planet. During the next three decades, we must reverse climate change while simultaneously finding sustainable sources of clean energy and food for a global population…
From Kenny Berkowitz
112 plays
Searching for Spineless Wonders in the OceanDrew Harvell’s research uses Cornell’s Blaschka collection of glass invertebrates as a time capsule to find and film the living matches of these specimens in today’s oceans on SCUBA…
From Kenny Berkowitz
121 plays
CaSE July MeetingZoom Recording ID: 3158575918 UUID: +5g5q1I6QKqTpsAgRKXfMg== Meeting Time: 2020-07-02T20:48:53Z
From Terrance Carroll
5 plays
Milstein Invited Lecture - Keyon VafaZoom Recording ID: 96610307248 UUID: Ulr/E83kRWGGHY19KZmk9A== Meeting Time: 2020-06-25T23:47:07Z
From Tapan Parikh
60 plays
Natalie Mahowald on Climate Change ScienceZoom Recording ID: 98131380488 UUID: EeCqS+VOToahkLelCMUHhA== Meeting Time: 2020-06-24T15:57:22Z
From James Overhiser
23 plays
IES Hosts: Conversations on European Matters in the Midst of a PandemicThe Institute for European Studies hosted "Conversations on European Matters in the Midst of a Pandemic" on May 13th, 2020. This webinar includes a series of conversations with scholars to…
From Pamela Hunsinger
19 plays