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Web Scraping in Python FA24.mp4Github page with sample files and code Request CCSS Cloud Computing Account. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free…
From Jacob Grippin
10 plays
Web Scraping in Python(BeautifulSoup)Github page with all materials Fill out evaluation form here. Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further…
From Jacob Grippin
49 plays
Web Scraping Collecting and ExportingGithub Page: Schedule a consultation There are many free resources that you can use for further learning.linkedin learning free with Cornell sign in.…
From Jacob Grippin
13 plays
Qualitative Day 2: NVivo Fall 202210:00 am-12:15 pm | Introduction to NVivo 1:15-3:15 pm | Work With Your Own Data Using NVivo There are many free resources that you can use for further learning. linkedin learning free with Cornell…
From Danyu Hu
20 plays
Lesson29.6 Animation CoroutinesJust as it was hard to design iterators with classes, it is also hard to design timed animation with classes. In this video, we show how to use coroutines to make animation design so much simpler.
From Hannah Lee
69 plays
Lesson 29.5 Timed AnimationOur primary application of coroutines in the final assignment is timed animations. In this video we talk about what these are and how to design them with the GameApp class.
From Hannah Lee
63 plays
Lesson 28.2 Iterable ClassesIn this video, we show how to make our own iterable and iterator classes. These are actually tightly linked, and you need one to create the other.
From Hannah Lee
80 plays
Lesson 27.10 Model ClassesThrough the semester, you have essentially been writing application controllers. In the final assignment, you will need to do that again. But you will also be creating your own models this time. In…
From Hannah Lee
57 plays
Lesson 27.8 Application DesignGame applications (and graphical applications in general) can get pretty complicated. In this video we talk about how to break up your code to make it more readable and more manageable. In some…
From Hannah Lee
60 plays
Lesson 27.4 Application InputThe big difference between a game and a movie is the ability to respond to player input, be it from a mouse or a keyboard. In this video we show how to us the tools provided by the GameApp class to…
From Hannah Lee
66 plays
Lesson 27.3 The GameApp ClassIn this video we introduce the GameApp class, which is a class written by your instructor. In the last assignment you will be creating a subclass of the class to run your game. This video highlights…
From Hannah Lee
89 plays
Lesson 27.2 Animation FramesThe while-loop that drives the game is hidden. This is going to create some interest challenges, particularly when you need variables that carry over from animation frame to animation frame. In this…
From Hannah Lee
81 plays
Zoom Nov. 10. Operators and Abstractionin this presentation we review the Python data model, showing off the various operators we can define in Python. This is an area where Python is much more advanced than older object-oriented…
From Hannah Lee
19 plays
Lesson 25.5 Custom Error TypesNow that we can raise an error of any type, it is time to make our own error types. In this video we show that this is incredibly simple, and needs almost no code.
From Hannah Lee
66 plays
Lesson 24.4 Duck TypingThis partial typing from the previous video has a name. It is called duck typing. In this video we show both why this is so popular among Python programmers and also why it is so controversial.
From Hannah Lee
78 plays