Each forum consists of specific topics. For this forum, the topics are those with a compliance timeframe of “within one (1) year” as well as some “annual” requirements. For each topic, NYS DEC will present on the permit requirements. Then, an MS4 Operator (or representative of an MS4 Operator) will present on how they plan to satisfy the permit requirements.
Topics for this forum:
A. Construction
i. Construction oversight program (Part VI/VII.D.3.)
ii. Prioritization of construction sites (Part VI/VII.D.5.a.)
iii. Update construction site inventory (Part VI/VII.D.4.b.)
B. Post-Construction
i. Post-construction SMP inspection and maintenance program (Part VI/VII.E.4.)
ii. Update inventory of post-construction SMPs (Part VI/VII.E.2.c.)
C. Street sweeping in business and commercial areas (Part VI/VII.F.3.d.i.b))